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Join CPFI or Renew

CPFI offers three types of memberships:

  1. Professional 
    for individuals who have completed their pharmacy training.
  2. Student
    for individuals who are currently studying pharmacy, in pre-pharmacy or are a full-time graduate student.
  3. Associate
    for pharmacy technicians, medical librarians, administrators, a publisher or a drug company - that want to be knowledgeable  about or engaged with CPFI activities.

Professional Membership Options: 

  1. Annual dues will be paid once a year. They yearly membership contribution for Regular members is $120. 
  2. To continue to grow our ministry we have increasing levels for those who choose to provide additional support: Contributing member is $150., a Supporting member is $250. a Sustaining member is $500 or a 1% member is $1500. 
  3. We would like to discount the dues for a pharmacist in their 1st professional year after pharmacy graduation - student rate ($35.) and those in their 2nd professional year after pharmacy graduation ($60.).
  4. We also recognize that pharmacists that live and serve outside of North America would benefit from a discounted rate. If this is true for you the discount is based on the country in which you live and you must go to this Country Category form (these are determined by the WHO to find out which category is your country, Category ACategory B or Category C.
Join as a Professional Member by credit card

Professional Monthly Membership

  1. Monthly dues will be paid once a month ($10). This membership must be combined with a monthly donation to CPFI to help with our ministry outreach. We have given you 8 options to make this easy for you. 
  2. Power Hour and 1% Group gifts.  Originally when we made monthly payment of membership an option we challenged members to in addition to their monthly dues to  donate monthly an amount about equal to 1 hour of their salary.  We now ask Power Hour members to choose one of the first 7 Monthly Gift options.  When we began we asked if there were some individuals that would be willing to donate 1% of our annual budget.  That would be a total monthly gift of $125 ($1500 for the year).  If you would like to be member of the l% Group  ($10 dues plus $115 monthly gift.  
  3. There is one membership type option (Professional Monthly), but your Monthly Gift selection will determine the amount you will pay each month. When you get to the payment page it will be set up as an automatic monthly recurring payment on your credit card.
Join as a Professional Monthly Member by credit card

Student Membership:     
     All student pharmacists (North American and International) are asked to make a yearly membership contribution of $35.

Join as a Student Member by credit card

Associate Membership:  
    An associate membership is offered to non-pharmacist friends of this ministry for a yearly contribution of $120. 

Join as an Associate Member by credit card