Welcome to the Student Center
Not yet a member, Join now! CPFI student members can use the menu items on the student center tab to:
- View, update and set privacy information for your member profile information, once you are logged in.
- Find out about how your student group can become affiliated with CPFI
- See a list of student affiliated groups, see a list of all colleges of pharmacy and see how the student groups are divided into regions.
- A National Student Council (NSC) member represents each affiliated group, so you can also find a listing of NSC representatives and faculty advisors for each group.
- See suggestions for chapter advisors on how to stay engaged with their group.
- Link to a student activities bulletin board where students can post ideas and reports of activities of their chapter
There are some scholarships available to assist students with projects that will develop character and skills that will help students to integrate their faith into their practice of pharmacy. Details for the deadlines and requirements for this application are provided. CPFI does provide any tuition scholarships.
Member Center
Members can use the login button at the top of the page. Then you can access your profile to view, update and set privacy levels for your CPFI member information with the links in the welcome information or by using the member center menu buttons. You can also explore and join various special groups (communities) such as the prayer team. Members and non-members can see a listing of the current officers, board members, and active committees using the menu buttons. Nonmembers or lapsed members can use this link to join CPFI online.
CPFI is dependent on the generous contributions of its members. There is a quick link to give you an opportunity to to become a financial partner. We also provide an opportunity for members to post job openings and anyone to be able to check out the postings on the CPFI Job Board (see the Quick Link.
Student Center
Student members can login, access their profile, and update their CPFI member information. They can also join various special groups where they can share and dialog about various student chapter activities. We encourage each pharmacy student involved in a local chapter to join the CPFI national organization (membership contribution is $30 per year). You can use these links, or the student center menu buttons above.
Learn about how you can get involved in short or long term outreach activities. Explore an annual global health conference. Find out about resources to enable you to integrate your faith into you daily activities. Access a forum where anyone can view and members can post opportunities to get involved in serving underserved populations. You can use these links, or the outreach menu buttons above.
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I, Send me!' " - Isaiah 6:8
Members and nonmembers can use the Events menu above to investigate the upcoming annual meeting, explore past annual meetings. Members who have logged in can access the handouts from the past annual meeting, review the agendas for past and upcoming annual meetings and minutes of past annual meetings. Calendars and listing of past and upcoming events are available to everyone. CPFI meetings (breakfasts, luncheons, etc.) at various national and regional meetings can be found.
Professional and student awards, and the past recipients are also listed and accessed using the events menu buttons. The quick links on the page will take you to various CPFI publications and to a summary of our history and beliefs as well as providing our contact information.
Student Chapter Resources
The purpose of CPFI student chapters should be to motivate and equip pharmacy students to practice faith in Jesus Christ in their personal and professional lives. The purpose is also to encourage and develop an active Christian witness and evangelism through prayer, Bible study, outreach, and fellowship. The chapter should be evangelical in outlook and purpose; and activities consistent with this biblical view are encouraged and promoted. These chapters are an opportunity for Christian student to have a common affiliation with like-minded students of their school of pharmacy and also with those of other schools of pharmacy throughout the US and abroad.
While CPFI encourages all pharmacy students to become actively involved in a student chapter, membership in a chapter does not automatically confer membership in CPFI. Therefore, we also encourage each pharmacy student to join CPFI individually for a student membership contribution of $35 per year and completing the CPFI membership form.
Regional Websites
If your region has its own website to share news and information on events, you can find it below:
Last Updated on Monday, October 21, 2024 02:34 PM |
National Student Council
The National Student Council (NSC) is CPFI's student leadership network. With guidance from the Student Chapter Affairs Committee, NSC operates to meet the needs of today's Christian Student Pharmacists through projects such as:
- The National Student Council Newsletter: This quarterly newsletter is packed with important information and ideas from chapters across the country. It will have updates on upcoming events, such as the National Student Council Retreat or the Global Health Missions Conference. It also provides information on nation-wide projects such as Operation Christmas Child as well as innovative ideas that chapters have pursued.
- Managing the Regions: Currently, we are searching for student volunteers to fill all of the Regional Director positions. Regional Directors are similar to the Chairperson, but they are able to be more hands-on by planning regional retreats or region-wide socials and service projects. To apply to be the Director of your Region, click here.
- Student Representation: NSC represents students at CPFI Board of Directors meetings.
- National Student Council Representatives: If we need to contact a chapter directly, the NSC Representative is the first person we contact. The Representative should also communicate information from the newsletter to other members of the chapter in case all of the chapter members do not have CPFI National membership. They are also in charge of submitting the update form. One current goal is to hold an online meeting for all NSC Representatives each semester.
- National Student Retreat: The annual retreat is a great way to learn, worship, and network with student pharmacists from across the country.
- Mentorship Program: The NSC provides students, pharmacists, an opportunity to connect with and receive guidance from pharmacists that work/have worked in their field of interest.
- Sign-ups will be available soon!
- NSC Connect: This is where CPFI chapters around the nation connect over a Zoom call to join each other in prayer, networking, and fun games and activities. Be on the lookout for NSC connect dates moving forward!
- NSC Prayer Request/Testimonial: NSC would love to know any of your prayer requests and join you in praying. Feel free to visit this form again to share a testimony on how God answered your prayers and be featured in the newsletter! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe46AM9iPageIN4DFQhQmCKR3qDSsiOSqNvIK4ONXY44KUSVA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
The NSC Policies and Procedures can be found here.
Meet Your Student Chapter Advisory Committee and National Student Council Click Here
To View the Structure of the National Student Council Click Here
Beyond the Student Chapter
There are many great things happening in CPFI chapters across the country. Unfortunately, several members will graduate without having the experience of CPFI outside of their chapter. While Regional and National Retreats are a wonderful way to do this, it is not always feasible for students to attend. Still, we hope that you will continue to be a member of CPFI after you graduate. In addition to the continuing education and missions opportunities that CPFI provides, the value of the fellowship is unmatchable. The love and support that members have for one another can only be described by the unity we find first in Christ, then in pharmacy. While you will soon be leaving the fellowship at your school, those opportunities will still exist with CPFI.
Last Updated on Monday, January 06, 2025 01:58 PM |
CPFI offers three types of memberships:
- Professional
for individuals who have completed their pharmacy training.
- Associate
for pharmacy technicians, medical librarians, administrators, a publisher or a drug company or anyone else interested in our ministry and would like to be knowledgeable about and engaged in CPFI activities.
- Student
for individuals who are currently studying pharmacy or are in pre-pharmacy or are a full-time graduate student.
Student Membership:
All student pharmacists (North American and International) are asked to make a yearly membership contribution of $35.
Searching for Student Groups
Searching can be done in many different ways:
- Listing of Chapters either active or in development
- Listing of all Pharmacy Schools
- Searching nearby using a Zip code